Never thought I’d be catching & throwing a ball to tone my arms, shoulders, core, and legs.

You see, I’ve had a lifelong fear of balls. As an uncoordinated, near-sighted kid, I was picked last for teams, and was often hit with the ball (intentionally, I always suspected).

From that, I developed a phobia of balls and other flying objects.

I never learned to throw a football or softball, or how to play tennis – too scared! If I saw people tossing a Frisbee, I ran the other way.

Once I was given court seats for a Clippers game, but it was torture because I was afraid the basketball (or a player) would land on me. I lasted 20 minutes and had to leave.

It’s taken time and desensitization, but I’ve recently confronted my fear and am now more comfortable around balls. Not to mention, this is now a favorite way to strengthen & tone my body for Summer.

What fear have you confronted, and how did you work past it?