How To Fight Burnout

Feeling tired, anxious, or uninspired? It turns out that spending time at the beach 🌊, lake, or river is good for your physical and mental health.

Studies show that these natural bodies of water ("BLUE SPACES") promote relaxation, socialization, and physical activity -- all important to our health now that many of us have resumed our hectic, pre-pandemic schedules.

The effect of water is so powerful that even seeing and hearing natural water affects our body & brain. In one study, volunteers who watched and listened to the ocean through a VR headset while getting dental work reported less pain and anxiety than those who did not.

I wish I could prescribe Blue Spaces to some of my doctor friends. For years, I've seen physicians struggle with more regulations and requirements. In fact, the average doctor spends an extra four hours (!) at night – AFTER seeing patients -- to finish charting and other administrative duties. Since the pandemic, 60% of doctors are experiencing burnout. I know many colleagues who retired early, and others who tell me they wish they could.

I am working hard on a solution to help my colleagues avoid burnout. Until then, I will encourage them, and I encourage all of you, to seek out Blue Spaces wherever you can.