Somebody may have told you that you shouldn’t use RETINOIDS because they “thin” your skin. 

In fact, retinoids (such as retinol, retinaldehyde, tretinoin/Retin A) have been proven in thousands of research studies over 50 years to actually THICKEN the skin by boosting the formation of new COLLAGEN. 

The reason this myth has been perpetuated is that retinoids slough off dull, dead skin cells. So your dead skin layer does get thinner. (And btw you're not going to slough off all your skin!)

The good part: Retinoids also push FRESH NEW cells to the surface. 

➡️   The end result: your LIVING layer of skin gets THICKER and PLUMPER. 

Another Retinoid MYTH ❌:  If you get red and flaky with Retinoids, you must be “allergic” and can’t use them.

While some may be allergic, it’s much more common that your skin just needs time to adjust.

➡️  The Solution:
- Start slowly with a mild formula, especially if you have sensitive skin.
- Use it twice or 3 times a week
- Wait at least 20-30 minutes after washing your face
- Apply at night

If you DO get red & flaky, take a few days off until your skin calms down, which it usually will 😁

❓ about RETINOIDS? Ask me in Comments!