Do you have PIMPLES that just won’t go away? Maybe they’re NOT pimples but SEBACEOUS HYPERPLASIA, which are enlarged oil glands.

They’re often yellowish or tan, and if you look under a magnifying mirror, you’ll often see a little crater in the center, which is the opening of the oil gland.

The raised bump is the top of the gland that’s poking through the skin. To shrink it, I typically zap with a hyfrecator device, which is an electric needle that lightly cauterizes the surface of the gland.

I can safely do this on all skin types, from very fair to richly pigmented. If done carefully, it should not leave a scar.

It stings a little bit, then looks like a pimple for a couple of days. After that it shrivels up, looks like a flake of black pepper, and then falls off in about a week – like MAGIC 🌟! The only risk is that it may grow back, since the rest of the gland is still underneath the skin.

☠️ WARNING: Do not try this at home. I’ve had to treat scarring from patients who bought “mole removal” devices online 👹. Best to come in & let me do it 😁