Memories came flooding back as the Uber drove me from Logan airport into Boston the other night. Was it possible that 30 years had passed?

I was just 21 when I started medical school. Surrounded by brilliant, competitive students (including several Ph.D’s, Olympic athletes, and Rhodes Scholars), I had a case of Imposter Syndrome. On top of that, as an introvert, I had to learn how to speak up and use my voice.

Back then, I would have never volunteered to lead a discussion.

This time, it was a pleasure to co-moderate a session for my classmates.

During the session, several shared deeply personal stories of taking career and life detours, and overcoming obstacles. I was moved by the vulnerability and support I felt in the room. Time has mellowed us, in a good way.

I’m still humbled by my classmates. But now, instead of being intimidated, I’m inspired by their accomplishments, and proud to know them💜.

Have you attended a Reunion recently? Were you glad you went? Share in the Comments below 👇🏼