When I asked my Mom what lesson she hopes I’ve learned in my 56 years, she said: “Always think about the positive.”  

Growing up, I rarely remember Mom being in a bad mood. 

If there was a long wait at a restaurant, she’d say “That means the food is really good!” If a flight was cancelled, she’d say “It’s better because now we can sleep in!”  

Honestly, it was annoying that Mom always looked on the bright side.  

These days, I realize what a wonderful lesson she taught me and my sisters.  And I’m so grateful to have grown up surrounded by her sunny optimism.  

I’m convinced it’s helped her stay active both physically (ballroom dancing twice a week; Zumba) and mentally (takes Japanese classes; watches TV shows in 3 languages) despite some life challenges.

I’m proud to say that I’ve inherited her positivity, along with her good skin and love of cats.  I hope to keep it up and be as vibrant as Mom when I grow up.

What’s one lesson you learned from your Mom?  Let’s start a collection below 👇🏼