Do you know what order to apply your skincare? For the best results, here’s how to layer them:

✅ #1: Go LIGHTER to HEAVIER, in the order below. 

Apply thinner products (water-soluble ingredients) underneath heavier products (typically contain more oil-soluble ingredients). 

Thinner products will have a hard time penetrating thicker products. This way you get the most benefit from your products.

⭐️ Toner/Essence then
⭐️ Serum then
⭐️ Lotion then
⭐️ Cream then
⭐️ Oil

 ✅ #2: Apply the most ACTIVE ingredients next to your skin, followed by inactive.  

⭐️ Rx creams from your Dermatologist, then Serum, then Moisturizer; then SPF, followed by makeup (if you wear any)

#3: Wait a few minutes in between products, UNLESS you’re layering Vitamin C and a Retinoid. 

⭐️ Because of pH differences between Vitamin C and Retinoids, you’ll get better absorption if you apply Vitamin C FIRST, wait at least 20 minutes, then apply the Retinoid. 

❓s about layering your products? Ask me in COMMENTS 👇🏼