GOOD VS. SCARY Halloween Candy


Tempted by Halloween candy? Go ahead & indulge!

As I write in my book FEED YOUR FACE, you can have your sweet treat without guilt. But be smart and choose the ones that are better for your skin & your body.

☠️ STAY AWAY from SKITTLES, STARBURST, & JELLY BEANS (as well as Gummy Bears, Twizzlers, and Candy Corn).

❌ These brightly colored candies are full of SUGAR, CORN SYRUP, ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS & COLORS 👻 and NO redeeming qualities

❌ Bad for your blood glucose levels, your skin, and your body.

Instead, if you’re going to have candy, look for NUTS 🥜



🥜 HERSHEY’S NUGGETS. These are sooo good – with almonds & dark chocolate (less sugar than milk chocolate)

🥜 My personal favorite sweet treats are SKINNY DIPPED ALMONDS

✅ Nuts have FIBER & FAT so they’ll satisfy you and you won’t eat as much.

✅ Also, SAVE your sweet treat for AFTER a protein-containing meal. It will have less effect on your blood sugar and insulin. This helps protect your collagen, and is better when it comes to fighting acne, rashes, & inflammation!

What’s your favorite sweet indulgence? Do you have a healthy-ish one? Share in comments 👇🏼!