GET YOUR FLU SHOT… and be careful! I recommend an annual flu shot to my patients, but here are some things to watch for.

❌ A few years ago, a patient of mine got hers at CVS and ended up with permanent injury to her shoulder joint, a condition called SIRVA (Shoulder Injury Associated with Vaccine Administration). I’ve also seen this in patients after COVID vaccination.

It may seem like a simple thing, but as with any injection I do, I’m always aware of my patient’s anatomy. When you get yours, make sure they go into your deltoid muscle. They must avoid going too high, which can damage the shoulder joint, or too low, which can cause nerve damage.

✅ Get your shot by Halloween, so you’re protected throughout the flu season.

✅ Ask for preservative-free if you’d like to avoid thimerosal (a type of mercury).

✅ Choose your non-dominant arm. Get it in your left arm if you’re right-handed; right arm if you’re left-handed.

✅ Choose your non-dominant arm. Get it in your left arm if you’re right-handed; right arm if you’re left-handed.

✅ Schedule it for the end of the day, so you can rest at home in case you feel tired afterwards.

If you’re my patient, I can do your flu shot at your next appointment, while supplies last!