Dermatology in the time of Covid-19


I have always considered myself a doctor first and a Cosmetic Dermatologist second.  This conviction has never been so clear as in the past month, while we have been living under a “stay at home” order here in Los Angeles.  After the initial shock and disbelief, I have settled into a new routine of going into my office a few hours a day to Skype with patients, answer the phone, and provide essential medical care:  a man who had a hammer fall on his arm; a golf-ball sized infected cyst; scabies; shingles.  I am grateful for my loyal patients who continue to trust me for their medical care, while we have hit “pause” on cosmetic treatments.  And I am grateful that I can do my part to take the burden off of Urgent Care facilities and Emergency Rooms, which is where these patients might have otherwise gone.  

While I still have anxiety and sleepless nights over rent, payroll, and other bills that need to be paid, I keep reminding myself of something that my mentor once told me 20 years ago, when I was fretting about how to pay back my medical school loans. His advice:  “Take good care of your patients and the rest will come.”  Whether it’s stitching up wounds now, or doing cosmetic injectables and lasers when lockdown is lifted, I will continue to follow his advice and do just that.  

Stay safe and healthy, everyone!