Younger Skin in 28 Days.

The Feed Your Face Diet is the culmination of everything we’ve talked about in the previous eight chapters—how to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, boost UV protection, fuel collagen production, heal acne, reduce inflammation, and soothe rashes – organized into a month-long meal plan that takes the fear and stress out of eating for healthier, more beautiful skin.

You’ll find 28 days’ worth of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack suggestions.  Every meal is easy to prepare and has been designed to provide a balance of antioxidants (to fight free radicals), protein (to fuel collagen production), omega-3s (to soothe inflammation), and lycopene (for UV protection).  While the Feed Your Face Diet will benefit all skin types, I’ve made some necessary adjustments for certain skin conditions in particular, such as reminding you to avoid dairy if you’re pimple-prone, adding more soy if you’re worried about fine lines and wrinkles, or avoiding gluten if you suffer from stubborn rashes.

And here’s the best part of the Feed Your Face Diet (if I do say so myself):  You don’t actually have to cook anything if you don’t feel like it or if you just don’t have the time.  Believe me, I’ve had nights when the idea of preparing dinner made me break into a cold sweat. That’s why the majority of these meals can be assembled from the hot and cold bars at quality grocery stores.  And if you’re picking up dinner, the same principles apply. For the days when even that’s too much work, I’ve also included the Feed Your Face Restaurant Guide, a listing of the healthiest meals from twenty of the country’s most popular restaurants.  (Besides, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your social life to maintain great skin.)

You’ll also find tips from some of my celebrity patients (so you’ll know what the stars really snack on when they’re killing time in their trailers).